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My name is Alan Preece and this is my first blog site. I am still learning the technology but there comes a moment to take the plunge and accept the consequences.

I am currently applying for residency in the US and will be using the site to write about whatever occurs to me as interesting. Some of it will be about being an Englishman of a certain age living abroad for the first time and particularly about life in San Diego. But I will also be thinking aloud about management issues, developments in global education and some slightly off-beat issues that occur to me from time to time. To get started, my first post is about something that has been a bee in my bonnet for months.

For anyone interested in the background – but feel free to stop reading if not – I trained as a journalist before spending my early career working in media, PR and event management with large commercial companies in retailing and the electricity industry. Since the mid-1990s I have worked in higher education – firstly leading student recruitment, admissions and communications for two leading universities, and then in senior management for two private pathway providers. Perhaps unusually for someone who started in PR I became Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive Officer in the latter organisations.

None of this makes me better qualified to write or more interesting than anyone else. But it has given me many experiences in different circumstances working with different people and that is one way of seeing different perspectives. I hope you enjoy what you read and I’m always interested in what other people have to say so don’t hesitate to comment.